Because I'm cool like that...

The adventures of a knitter in Tucson, AZ.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Oops, I did it again....

I knit a hole in my figer...again. It's not a very bad one, not like what I did with thoes size 4US metal sharp needles...but it is a hole none-the-less. My dad laughed at me. The sad thing is, this is a fairly frequent occurance. I knit, and I get a callas, then the callas comes off. Like, if I have taken a particularly hot shower, or have been working with the sander, or it even just wears off from more knitting. I don't think this is how calluses are supposed to work...Grr...

On another note, the new Knitty is out! Yay. And reading it, I found this book. It looks like fun. I may have to look into getting it later.

On an even other note...3 more days of classes. Well, 2.5. Well...4 classes in total spanning 3 days. If I decide to even go to my Soc of Religion class. My paper isn't due until 5 pm, so when I come for my last Crim class, I can just go drop it off...we'll see how I am feeling on Wensday morning.
Then one final on the 13th. Then I graduate on the 16th. Then I will have my BA, and I can proceed to do absolutly nothing with it!! Yay!!


At 7:51 AM MST, Blogger Samantha said...

Ouch! I hope your finger feels better soon.

At 1:00 PM MST, Blogger Renee said...

You're not alone! I do this sometimes too. Except I don't get the callous first. BTW I am originally from Tucson, just moved to Iowa last January. Hope you are warmer than me!


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