25 Years...
Today, there was a lunchon at SAAF. Afterwards, my boss came in and took over the shop so I could go in the conferance room and look. They had put up a timeline of AIDS. It stretches all around the room. And it is a pretty big room. It is kinda depressing. I want to cry. There was so much stuff even before 1982 (the year I was born). I would walk along, reading, and look at the date. I would think, "wow, I was 10 years old when this happened. I was 12 when this happeend." I was 13 or 14 when AZT was approved by the FDA. That is rediculous. There were fliers from action groups on how to stem the flow of AIDS. You know what one of them said? Make it illigal for foreign homosexuals to enter the US. WTF?!?
What is even scarier? AIDS has been around longer than I have, and we are really no closer to a cure than we were in 1982. Hopefully, that will change soon.
It breaks my heart to think of the children in Africa because nothing is being done for them. Did you hear of the guy in England who apparently cured himself? Docs are testing him like mad to find out how the heck it happened.
I know what you mean, Cerridwen. I think by the time I had graduated from college (before you were born), some people from my high school had already died of AIDS. There is so much misinformation out there and there are still people who don't believe it exists. The spread of AIDS in Africa, India, and Asia is very scary. And the women in those countries tend to be powerless to insist on their partner take precautions to protect them.
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