Because I'm cool like that...

The adventures of a knitter in Tucson, AZ.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Trying something new...

I am trying something new here today, multiple pictures in teh same post!! I know I have done it before, but for the life of me, I can't remember how. When I uploaded the pictures using Hello, they came up as different posts...
So, if this works out, you should be seeing a picture of a tiny Red Sweater. It should be done in Garter Stitch. It is my second for the Red project...

Red Sweater in Garter Stitch Posted by Picasa

If this next picture works, you should be seeing my first for the project, done in S-Stitch...

Red Sweater S-Stitch Posted by Picasa

And, theoreticaly, there should be a picture of the two sweaters next to my shoe (size 10) to show size.

Red Sweaters Size Posted by Picasa


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