Because I'm cool like that...

The adventures of a knitter in Tucson, AZ.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Plan

I have a new plan. Well, actualy a refinement of the old plan (I still haven't cast on anything new. I know, we are all proud). I never was as thrilled with the black on my bag as I should have been, and I think the green will make me happier. So, I am going to finish the first lace pattern on the new shawl, then finish the bag. I finish the back/flap. Then pick up stitches around it and make a boarder of yellow, do the same with the frount. Then sew it all together. Then make closures. Then make pockets until I run out of yarn or have enough. Not sure what enough will be. I like pockets. THen I will line it. That will be the tricky part. I have never made a lining for anything before. It's all good though.

I went down to the 4th Ave Street Fair today. It was nice. Bumped into like, 3 groups of people I know, which is strange since I go pretty much all the time and that has never happened before. Anyway, there was a booth with yarn and some knitted stuff. It was this woman who own a ranch up on the northside. She had some really nice yarns, but soooo expensive. HHH has totaly spoiled me. I was fondling the yarn, then would look at the price, then think "I can get this stuff from Esther for half the price". She has this borchure of her stuff showing her animals and some of her yarns, and some stuff she has made. She has a blanket in her brochure for $300, and a shawl for $450. Yes, I didn't put to many zero's on thoes prices. We were talking at my SnB about what you should charge for knitted items, and pricing yourself out of buisness. I think she may have done that. She has a website, and I haven't checked it out or anthing, so maybe it is just she put the most expensive things in her brochure. Nice stuff regardless anyway.


At 9:24 AM MST, Blogger Rain said...

The plan sounds good. Can't wait to see it.


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