Because I'm cool like that...

The adventures of a knitter in Tucson, AZ.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Tree Porn

Ya...I just realised that the semi-naked tree is tree porn...then I was joing about it with a friend...and I have to share the conversation...wonder what kind of google hits this will bring...

CerridwenColleen: oh, I updated my blog with pics of my plum tree in bloom
CerridwenColleen: it is pretty in it's semi-nakedness
friend: naked? thats not proper
CerridwenColleen: hmmm...tree porn...hehe, wonder what google hits I would receive with that
friend: you shouldn't be putting out botanical pornography....when oh WHEN will people stop materializing foliage?!?
friend: its a living being, not an object!
CerridwenColleen: hey, my tree is a little bit of a has rosemary, 3 kinds of flowers, and random stuff growing with it!!
CerridwenColleen: random, anonymous plants
friend: anonymous pollenization huh? sounds like this tree porn thing could really take off
CerridwenColleen: I tried to explain safe growing habbits to it, but it didn't lsiten
friend: so its not a rubber tree, who else has tree porn for us?


At 12:19 AM MST, Blogger Rain said...

Mwahahaha! That's just not right ;)

I bet you do get hits though.


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